Sunday, 9 December 2012

Agent Orange Awareness

     September 2012, Lisa Kim (Korean) successfully organized the first SSIS student-led drama production "The Sound of Music" for her CAS project. The money made from this play would be donated to Hoa Binh Village (a shelter for Agent Orange victims in Tu Du Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam).

     Being a lover of theatre and the stage, I joined and was assigned the roles of sister Margareta and Brigitta. Another off-stage role I played was as a Vietnamese translator for Lisa.

     Lisa had to visit Hoa Binh village a lot in order to donate her sponsored money and to collect the official receipts from the nurses. Since few of the nurses - and sponsors also - could speak enough English, she felt that her liaisons would be much more efficient with a native Vietnamese speaker.
     After drama rehearsal one day. Lisa invited me to go to look for sponsors with her, and I gladly agreed. Being a sophomore then, I was rather inexperienced when it comes to these kind of official arrangements; thus, I thought it would be useful to be more informed of the matter. Times after times, I became her official translator. We also went to Hoa Binh Village together numerous times to give them the sponsored donation.

     Lisa and I are both in the SSIS National Honour Society. One of NHS projects involved a Ted Talk interview with Mr.Nguyen Duc - a member of the separated conjoined twins (result of Agent Orange) who works as an executive at Hoa Binh Village. Lisa and I went on trips again to Hoa Binh Village to liaise with Mr.Nguyen Duc, collect photos, translation of the script...

     The Ted Talk was held as a high school assembly as an NHS event to raise awareness on Agent Orange and the damage of war, with me being the live translator. The talk went well, and a lot of students participated to ask questions in the end.

     This is not a story about my CAS project. Nonetheless, it want to tell it because it actualized one of my wish since the CAS retreat. I've always wanted to do something, to contribute in some way, either emotionally or financially to Hoa Binh Village and its children, whom I love and wish of the very best for their lives.


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